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Turbulent diffusion behind vehicles: Evaluation of ROADWAY models Atmospheric Environment (1967), Volume 20, Issue 6, 1986, Pages 1095-1103 S. T. Rao, G. Sistla, R. E. Eskridge and W. B. Petersen
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Copyright © 1986 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Turbulent diffusion behind vehicles: Experimentally determined turbulence mixing parameters
Robert E. Eskridge*
S. Trivikrama Rao
Atmospheric Sciences Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle, Park, NC 27711, U.S.A.
Division of Air, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, NY 12233, U.S.A.
Received 4 February 1985; accepted 12 July 1985. ; Available online 15 April 2003.
The wake of a moving vehicle was
stimulated using a specially constructed wind tunnel with a moving
floor. A ‘block-shaped’ model vehicle was fixed in position over the
test-section floor while the floor moved at the freestream air speed to
produce a uniform, shear-free, approach flow. This simulates an
automobile traveling along a straight highway under calm atmospheric
Vertical and lateral profiles of tracer gas
concentration were obtained in the wake. Profiles were taken at
distances of 30, 45 and 60 model heights downwind. The equations
describing the wake theory were solved numerically to determine the
‘best’ turbulence scale lengths by using wind tunnel data taken at 30
mode heights downwind as the inflow boundary condition and comparing
the numerical computation made at 60 heights downwind to the wind
tunnel data taken at this location. It was found that the ‘best’ scale
lengths were the vehicle width along and across the wake, and height
above the surface in the vertical directions, respectively.
ROADWAY model, in which the computer code incorporates the wake theory
to predict air pollution concentrations along highways, was modified
with these new results and found to better predict the General Motors
data than the initial version of the model.
Subject-index terms: Cars; exhaust emissions; line source; ozone chemistry; vehicle wakes; wake model; wind tunnel
* On assignment from Department of Commerce, NOAA.